Calm in the Chaos - Tips for a Better Life
How Time Management Reduces Stress
by Jamie Spannhake
September 11, 2021
You may be wondering: Can good time management reduce stress?
The short answer is YES!
Here's 3 ways time management skills reduce stress.
1. Spending time on what matters most reduces stress.
One of the things that good time management strategies can do for you is to help you get clear on what matters most to you. When you start paying attention to what you are spending your time doing and how much time activities and tasks take, you can figure out if you are using your time for the things that matter most to you. When the way we spend our time aligns with our values, our time management reduces stress.
This is precisely the reason the first chapter of my book, The Lawyer, the Lion, & the Laundry, is about clarity of values. And why I spend an entire chapter walking readers through tools and questions to help them create their own personal values statement.
2. Being able to anticipate and plan reduces stress.
When we cannot anticipate what will happen or plan for things we can control, we feel stressed and overwhelmed. With good time management strategies, we have more control over what happens in our lives. We are able to plan and then adapt when things change because we feel less anxious and better able to make decisions.
I understand that how we feel and think about time is critical to whether we feel anxious and stressed. That's why I devote a chapter of my book to the way we talk and think about time. One of my favorite tools is simple: change "I don't have enough time" to "I have too much to do." When we focus on the number of things we need to do rather than the amount of time we have, we empower ourselves to make changes. We can't create time, but we can reduce what we must do, find better ways to do the things we need to do, and ask others to do some of the things that need to be done.
3. Delegating responsibilities reduces stress.
When we realize we have too much to do, we can make changes. One of the best time management strategies is delegating - asking others to help you. There are lots of things that must be done, but that doesn't mean we must do them ourselves. Ask your spouse, partner, or roommate to help out. Ask your son or daughter to walk the dog. Hire someone to do your grocery shopping. Pay a service to send you clothes in the mail each month. Set all your bills to auto-pay. There are so many ways to let others help you accomplish all you want to do.
I call this building your support network. In other words, finding people to support you in your time management skills so you can achieve more without doing more all by yourself. This is one of the reasons I've created my Life Is Good Again group coaching program - I want to share my time management strategies with you so everyone has support, clarity, and accountability.
Can I share my time management strategies with you?
I'd love to share more with you about how time management reduces stress.
I've been working on my time management skills and mind management strategies for over ten years. Then I wrote a book so I could help others with the tools I learned and developed.
Now I'm helping busy people like you reduce their stress through group and individual coaching based upon the principles in my book.
In my Life Is Good Again group coaching program, you will learn the system I use. It will change your everyday & allow you to create space & time for the life you truly want. It's not just time management, it's a profound & practical mind management strategy that will significantly improve your life, from the inside-out.
Do you need time management skills to reduce stress?
If you ever feel overwhelmed by your life, or like there is never enough time, then Life Is Good Again group coaching is for you
I understand what it’s like to have competing obligations.
Can you imagine how good life would be if:
• You had enough time to handle it all?
• You were able to stay calm, focused, and productive?
• You were absolutely clear about what matters most to you?
• You had everything you need to succeed within your reach?
After more than 10 years of reading, researching, attending workshops, talking with innumerable people, and experimenting, I have learned how to live a life filled with career success, time with family & friends, and space for personal desires.
In this 8-week program, we will meet one hour a week on Zoom or Google Meet. You will learn that Life Is Good Again when you use the time management strategies I use. It will change your everyday & allow you to create space & time for the life you truly want.
What you get: Clarity, Accountability, Challenge, and Community!
We start Thursday, September 16, 2021. Join us!
Email me at for more details or learn more here.
If you are ready to reduce your stress and live the life you desire, enroll now.