Calm in the Chaos - Tips for a Better Life
Love to be Loved, and Other Lessons Emily Taught Me
Emily crossed the Rainbow Bridge on Friday. She taught me, among other things, that it's okay to love everyone. And most people will love you back.
by Jamie Spannhake
April 11, 2021

The time came last Friday, March 9, to let Emily cross the Rainbow Bridge. Her sister & litter mate Samantha crossed nearly 3 weeks ago. Emily turned 17 and a half years old on Tuesday of last week. She's had a good, long life. I think she was particularly happy that she outlived Samantha, who was always more alpha than Em.
I am sad. But I am focusing on what she has taught me.
She was the funniest dog I know. She loved this red pig pillow that she has had since she was 8 weeks old. She snuggled with it and used it as her pillow, as if she were a person. She thought she was a person!
Emily taught me that it's okay to love everyone. It's a happy way to live. And most people will love you back. And if they don't, then move on to the next person who loves you back. She was known for her excitement when meeting new people, with a whole body wag, not just a tail wag. She approached everyone as if they were a long, lost friend.
She also taught me about perserverance and the choice to do things, even when you aren't "supposed" to do them, after you consider the consequences and decide you are okay with them. Until about a month ago, she would "talk" to us as we ate, not sounding like a whine but actual words, in an effort to get people food. Even if it didn't work, she tried every time.
She would also stop and look back at me when I called her to come. She knew she "should" come when called, but she also knew there was a squirrel or some interesting smell she really wanted to pursue. She always seem to be thinking: "I know I should come, and I know you are going to be mad at me, but I really want to, so I'm okay with that!" Then she would turn away and go chase.
We will miss Emily dearly, but she was suffering and confused and in pain. So we decided to be merciful and let her cross the Rainbow Bridge to chase squirrels, eat grilled chicken, and meet lots of new friends, who will all love her.
xo. RIP Emily.