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Calm in the Chaos - Tips for a Better Life

I am enough. I do enough. I have enough.

I've shared this mantra on social media several times over the past months, and it seems to really resonate with people. I suspect it is because we so often focus on what we don't do and what we don't have, rather than celebrating our successes and feeling grateful for all that we have. Me too.
I am enough. I do enough. I have enough.

by Jamie Spannhake

November 02, 2019

Calm in the Chaos - Tips for a Better Life

I am enough. I do enough. I have enough.

I've shared this mantra on social media several times over the past months, and it seems to really resonate with people. I suspect it is because we so often focus on what we don't do and what we don't have, rather than celebrating our successes and feeling grateful for all that we have. Me too.

by Jamie Spannhake

November 02, 2019

I am enough. I do enough. I have enough.

"I am enough. I do enough. I have enough." This is one of my favorite mantras. I use it when I am feeling like I am not doing enough to achieve my goals or live the live I want. I am facing those feelings right now, especially regarding "I do enough." I want to share my book with as many people as possible because I feel like it can help so much. Yet, no matter how much time and effort I spend getting the word out and explaining how I think the messages and tools in my book can help people, there is always more that I want to do to share it and to help. I fight against focusing on the people I haven't reached yet rather than celebrating the reach thus far.

I've shared this mantra on social media several times over the past months, and it seems to really resonate with people. I suspect it is because we so often focus on what we don't do and what we don't have, rather than celebrating our successes and feeling grateful for all that we have. Me too.

It is another great example of how the words we use to talk to ourselves shape how we feel and thus how we act. And when we find that we are having a hard time keeping our self talk positive, a mantra can fill in the space in our brains with words that help us. We can move past the negative self talk with a positive and motivational mantra. 

In Part One of my book, The Lawyer, the Lion, & the Laundry, I guide readers through using our thoughts to help us focus on our values and live the lives we truly desire. I provide techniques for practicing mindfulness and guided practices for meditation, both of which help us use our thoughts for good. Later in the book, I focus on specific ways to think about the time in our lives and our unreasonable expectations for ourselves. Both of which we can handle more effectively with positive mind-management techniques explored in my book. 

If this sounds helpful to you, you can learn more and purchase the book here. You can also connect with me to receive free weekly tools in your inbox here.

The Workbook that accompanies the book contains additional sample mantras, and I'd love to update the workbook with additional mantras that speak to people. Do you have a favorite mantra? Let me know about it in the comments. 


The Lawyer, the Lion, and the Laundry Book Cover

Get More Done, Without the Chaos

In her new book The Lawyer, the Lion, and the Laundry: Three Hours to Finding Your Calm in the Chaos,” lawyer and certified health coach Jamie Spannhake shares a better way to enjoy the life you truly want. Join her for a fun and enlightening journey to learn how to CHOOSE, ACT and THINK in ways that will clarify your desires so you can reclaim your time and enjoy your life.


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