Calm in the Chaos - Tips for a Better Life
Five Ways to Build True Fitness Into Your Day
by Jamie Spannhake
July 24, 2023

As Merriam-Webster explains, “fit” means “sound physically and mentally.” Here are five ways to build true fitness — both physical and mental — into your busy day.
1. Sleep is the foundation of fitness.
According to Russell Foster, a circadian neuroscientist at Oxford University, the quantity of your time asleep affects the quality of your time awake. Over a third of our life should be spent sleeping. This can feel like a waste of time, but it’s not! Sleep-deprived people cannot function at their highest ability. Sleep deprivation decreases your ability to remember and process information. A good night’s sleep can give us up to a three-fold advantage in complex problem-solving. Also, cutting sleep short by even an hour or two reduces the effectiveness of your immune system by about 25 percent, leading to more illness and disease. And did you know that lack of sleep increases the release of a hunger hormone that causes cravings for carbohydrates and sugars, making it much more difficult to maintain a healthy weight? Don’t neglect this vital part of your fitness.
Read the rest of the article here at Health Food Radar.