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Calm in the Chaos - Tips for a Better Life

Fit to Practice podcast interview of Jamie Jackson Spannhake

I had the honor of being interviewed by Angela Han for her Fit to Practice podcast, where we discussed how to find calm during the chaos and more importantly, why finding that calm is going to help you get more done and feel better and design your ideal life. Learn more about it and where to listen below!
Fit to Practice with Angela Han

by Jamie Spannhake

December 17, 2019

Calm in the Chaos - Tips for a Better Life

Fit to Practice podcast interview of Jamie Jackson Spannhake

I had the honor of being interviewed by Angela Han for her Fit to Practice podcast, where we discussed how to find calm during the chaos and more importantly, why finding that calm is going to help you get more done and feel better and design your ideal life. Learn more about it and where to listen below!

by Jamie Spannhake

December 17, 2019

Fit to Practice with Angela Han

I had the honor of being interviewed by Angela Han for her Fit to Practice podcast. It is available for your listening pleasure at Fit to Practice and below.


Here's how Angela describes the podcast episode:

"At first my thought was, what if I don’t want to find calm? What if I like chaos? A lot of us lawyers kind of like the chaos, feeling busy, let’s admit it, feeling important, and doing things and changing the world. But in this episode Jamie Jackson Spannhake, a partner at a New York law firm, talks about to find calm during the chaos and more importantly, why finding that calm is going to help you get more done and feel better and design your ideal life. We talk about the daily, real issues that come up for us lawyers - dealing with opposing counsel, dealing with frustrating clients, and dealing with conflict, which is the name of our business. We talk about how it doesn’t have to be and how you can still thrive without it." 

Of course, it's not only for lawyers. It's for anyone who faces competing obligations in personal and professional life. The specific examples we discuss related to practicing law, because Angela and I are both lawyers, but there are parallels for anyone who has a working life and a personal life.

Here's what Angela has to say about herself:

"My name is Angela Han, and I am obsessed with all things health. I am a healthcare lawyer, a personal trainer, a wellness coach, and a yoga instructor. I help busy lawyers overcome their physical and mental challenges through wellness training. I found my life’s purpose from my biggest pain point: my own health journey."

You can hear more interviews at Fit to Practice.


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