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Calm in the Chaos - Tips for a Better Life

"Acknowledge Your Positive Past" with a Success List

I am re-reading The Success Principles by Jack Canfield. Actually, I am listening to the book. One of his success principles is "Acknowledge Your Positive Past." I like this principle. It is motivating and realistic. Read on for how it works and how you can be more successful in any area by creating your own "Success List."
"Acknowledge Your Positive Past" with a Success List

by Jamie Spannhake

January 27, 2022

Calm in the Chaos - Tips for a Better Life

"Acknowledge Your Positive Past" with a Success List

I am re-reading The Success Principles by Jack Canfield. Actually, I am listening to the book. One of his success principles is "Acknowledge Your Positive Past." I like this principle. It is motivating and realistic. Read on for how it works and how you can be more successful in any area by creating your own "Success List."

by Jamie Spannhake

January 27, 2022

"Acknowledge Your Positive Past" with a Success List

In The Success Principles, Jack Canfield suggests that you engage in two exercises. (He actually recommends more than two, but I'm focusing on my two favorites here.)

The first is assessing your successes at the end of each day. I do this with my coaching clients. We call it "My 3 Things." 

At the end of every day, we write down and sometimes share with each other, three things that we are proud of for that day. It could be anything, big or small, personal or professional. It can be things you did, or things you didn't do.

For example:

-you might be proud that you took the time to walk the dog even though it was a very busy day of work.

-you may feel successful because you landed a new client.

-you might be proud because you didn't eat dessert.

It can be anything really. It is great to write them down so you have a record of your successes that you can look back on. It is even better to share them with others, where you can feel great about your accomplishments and inspire others as well.

But it is also helpful if you simply think about them as you lie in bed before you fall asleep. The important thing is that you acknowledge them.

The second exercise is to list 100 SUCCESSES from your life.

You'll start with the big things, but to get to 100, you may have to start including little things, especially if you are young. 

Examples from my own life:

-I graduated magna cum laude from law school.

-I moved to NYC from MS.

-I had a baby after a year of fertility treatments.

Once I get down to 100, I may need to add things like "I graduated from high school" or "I was voted class favorite my senior year."

You get the idea. Focus on your successes - all 100 of them - to get yourself into the frame of mind that you are successful, you can be successful, and you will continue to be successful.

As the saying goes: "What would you try if you knew you could not fail?"


Want more?

In The Lawyer, the Lion, & the Laundry: Three Hours to Finding Your Calm in the Chaos, you will learn the choices, actions, and thoughts to guide you to having the life you truly want. You’ll learn how to change your relationship with time and reclaim each day. You’ll develop time management skills as well as “mind management” skills by practicing a new approach to handling your busy life. By using the tools and techniques in the book, you can reach the place of balance and fulfillment you desire: a place where you are living the life you desire while feeling full of life and energy, not overwhelmed and exhausted.

Use code CALM for 20% OFF!

 the lawyer the lion and the laundry book



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