Calm in the Chaos - Tips for a Better Life
Five Reasons to Meditate: The Top 5 Benefits of a Meditation Practice
Mindfulness and meditation create calm and focus the mind, cultivating greater attention and clarity. Essentially, it allows us to remain calm in the midst of the storm, without letting circumstances overwhelm us and cause frustration and exhaustion. A daily meditation practice, even as little as five minutes, has the following benefits.
by Jamie Spannhake
January 19, 2020
Mindfulness and meditation create calm and focus the mind, cultivating greater attention and clarity. Mindfulness is scientifically validated to help us deal with the challenges and stressors of life. By working on focus and attention, we can manage our emotions better, connect with others more successfully, and become happier and more effective in work and life. It can change the way we deal with ourselves, our stressors, other people, and life. Essentially, it allows us to remain calm in the midst of the storm, without letting circumstances overwhelm us and cause frustration and exhaustion. Mindful action is proactive rather than reactive.
A daily meditation practice, even as little as five minutes, has these benefits:
1. Reduces stress and anxiety. Meditation calms the mind, which is the underlying premise for managing stress and anxiety. When we feel stressed and anxious, our minds are running at top speed in many different directions at the same time. Thus, the racing heart, tight muscles, and snappish reactions. Meditation and mindfulness can relax your mind and body to help you achieve a calmer state in which to face the world and all its challenges.
2. Increase focus and productivity. Our lives with our many devices and distractions can make us feel frazzled and disrupt our ability to focus and pay attention. With all the obligations we handle in the numerous roles we play, meditation can restore our ability to focus and calm our mind so that we can manage all that we must.
3. Improve your ability to deal with difficult times and people. Meditation and mindfulness are very helpful during difficult times, and when dealing with difficult people. Sometimes our reactions to events and people are only partly related to that event or person. Often some past experience is coloring our reaction, and perhaps making it more intense or problematic than the situation or person alone warrants. Meditation and mindfulness can help by calming your mind and helping you identify and understand the deeper questions that arise during these times.
4. Allow you to let go of undesirable habits. If you are trying, or want to try, to give up any habits that don’t serve you well (for example, smoking, overeating, or a sugar addiction), meditation can help you achieve the clarity and calm needed to banish these habits.
5. See yourself and your reality more clearly. Meditation helps us connect to ourselves, at a deep level, so that we can better understand ourselves and why we do the things we do. Importantly, it also helps us see reality more clearly, which is the first step to making our lives better and less stressful.
If you have a meditation practice, keep growing it. If you want to start one, there are many free resources on my website to guide you, including a free downloadable infographic "5 Ways to Start Your Meditation Practice," a free audio guided meditation for starting your meditation practice, and a three week guided meditation course available at The Lawyer, the Lion, & the Laundry course page.
If you like this blog post and information, there's an entire chapter in my book on meditation and mindfulness, plus much more. In my new book, The Lawyer, the Lion, and the Laundry: Three Hours to Finding Your Calm in the Chaos, I share a better way to enjoy the life you truly want. It starts with defining your values, then builds to mindfulness and "mind management" techniques, and incorporates smart time management tools. Join me for a fun and enlightening journey to learn how to CHOOSE, ACT and THINK in ways that will clarify your desires so you can reclaim your time and enjoy your life.
Now available here.
1 comment
I really liked your article about the benefits of meditation. The clear explanations about reducing stress, improving focus, and improving health are insightful. It was the motivation to consider incorporating meditation into my daily routine for a more calm and balanced life. Thanks for reading the information.